Our Services

Postnatal Assessment

Your baby is here – congratulations!

Your labour and birth may have been relatively smooth sailing, or you may be carrying some trauma (physical or psychological) with you. You have been through a truly life-altering experience, and your body may have some physical changes to show for it.

A big question – when should I come in for a Postnatal Assessment? Ideally, it would be great to see you at around six weeks post-partum, after or around the same time as you and your baby’s six-week check with your GP/Obstetrician. If you have any major concerns, you can certainly make an appointment sooner than this. You can visit for a Postnatal Assessment anytime up to twelve months postpartum. You are certainly more than welcome to bring your little one to your appointment with you!

  • During your Postnatal Assessment, we’ll debrief and discuss your birth in as much detail as you feel comfortable with. I want to know how you’re feeling after birth, issues you might be experiencing with pain, incontinence or dysfunction, and your goals regarding returning to exercise and activity. We’ll assess your pelvic floor, perineum, and abdominal muscles. I’ll screen for issues such as prolapse or signs of bladder and bowel dysfunction. I know you’re busy with your new addition to your family, but let’s ensure we look after YOU and give your body some much needed TLC.

  • Initial Assessment (60 mins) - $150

    Short Subsequent Appointments (30 mins) - $90

    Long Subsequent Appointments (45 mins) - $110


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