Our Services
Mastitis & Blocked Ducts
Mastitis is a painful condition that affects many women during their breastfeeding journey.
Inflammatory breast conditions develop and progress quickly, therefore prompt assessment and appropriate treatment is important. Please see our blog and handout to find out more about mastitis, including self management strategies.
As soon as you notice signs of inflammation in the breast (redness, swelling, tenderness, heat, a lump), please phone Barossa Physiotherapy on 8562 3441. Please advise reception staff that you require a mastitis appointment, and they will triage you to be seen as soon as possible by one of our treating clinicians.
If you experience onset of symptoms on a weekend or public holiday, please call our out of hours line on 0494 113 000. If we don't answer, please leave a message and we will give you a call back as soon as we cant. (*please note this call back will come from a private number, and weekend rates apply to any appointments*)
If you are experiencing fever and chills, please speak with your GP.
For difficulties with breastfeeding, you can contact the Australian Breastfeeding Associations free 24/7 helpline on 1800 686 268, seek help from the midwives at CAFHS or see a lactation consultant.
Mastitis Assessment & Treatment (30 mins) - $95
*weekend rates apply for out of hours appointments
You can expect a thorough history to be taken regarding your breastfeeding journey so far, as well as the symptoms you are currently experiencing. It is key for us to understand what the key driver in your inflammatory breast condition so that we can support you to avoid repeated episodes!
If deemed appropriate, therapeutic ultrasound will be used on the affected area, administrating micro vibrations and gentle heat which reduces swelling and inflammation. Your physiotherapist will also provide you with education around self management techniques, particularly the use of cold therapy and lymphatic drainage to aide in recovery.
Our mastitis service is a joint service between Cascade Women's Health and Barossa Physiotherapy. Trained clinicians from both clinics see mastitis clients.